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Courses available for verified
and top tutors


Courses available for verified and top tutors

Total tuition job posted on the
platform till date


Total tuition job posted on the platform till date

User daily average time spent
on the platform

20+ Hours

User daily average time spent on the platform

Active instructor and students
available on the platform

7+ Million

Active instructor and students available on the platform

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Ders alan kursiyelerin düşünceleri #BaşarıHikayeleri

  • görüntü
    I highly recommend this platform, amazing experience with fast delivery
    “ Baendum tincidunt intae congue massa amus habitasse males euada ineaieler esque ipsume diam in sit amet sceleram. “

    Michael Mueller

    5th Standard, Dubai UAE
  • görüntü
    I really can imagin how professional they are. Just amazing experience
    “ Eivamus non facilisi metus veile anime sitetas vitae pretium libero uet elit ac et nunadip scing posuere faucibus lorake monse. “

    Bobbie Schwartz

    2nd Standard, Manchester UK
  • görüntü
    On first project I feel its a mess then later it turn into an great details for me
    “ Citae condim acentum ornare velit elite habit antna feugiat libero purus amet emen apscing tortor suscipit aliquam vulputate. “

    Cecil Sims

    7th Standard, Rome Italy

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Sitemizde Onlarca Kategoride Yüzlerce Uzmanlık Alanlarında Binlerce Ders Veren Öğretmenlerimiz ve Eğitmenlerimiz, Uzmanlıklarını size aktarmak için can atıyor. Lütfen Profillerini görüntüleyerek onlara ulaşın ve ihtiyaç duyduğumuz konularda #özelders alarak okulunuza destek olun yada kişisel gelişiminizi tamamlayın. Haydi bir eğitmen seçin.

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    • Ders Ücreti:199.00₺/ saat
    • Cep Telefonu:055188
    • Whatsapp:905518
    • Uzmanlık:Fizik
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Better Learning. Better Results

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Accusamus et iusidio dignissimos ducimus blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores etmquasa molestias epturi sint occaecati cupiditate non providente mikume.

Offering All types of Courses
Offering All types of Courses

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Online consultation for all
Online consultation for all

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A great investment for future
A great investment for future

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Best results guranteed
Best results guranteed

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Easy to connect with anyone
Easy to connect with anyone

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All verified tutors for you
All verified tutors for you

Aeccusamus et iustome odio digniste simos ducimus blanditiis